Author: Dykraf
Starting a Nuxt.js admin dashboard project with attractive open-source data visualization also free graph charts libraries plugins
Author: Dykraf
How to write Next.js environment variables deployment scripts in several stages of development into production with PM2 process manager node clusters
Author: Dykraf
Adding Graph Charts Library into your Nuxt.js Vuetify Web Application Dashboard with Chart.js open-source JavaScript library for data visualization
Author: Dykraf
Adding plugins for Graph Charts libraries into your Nuxt.js Vuetify Web Application Dashboard with Chart.js and Apex Charts open source JavaScript library for graph chart data visualization
Author: Dykraf
Environment variables are very important if you are using different development stages such as the development stage, testing stage, or even in the production build environment stage.
Author: Dykraf
Build a searchable multilingual help center website on top of Strapi CMS, Nuxt.js, Chakra UI, and Apollo GraphQL endpoint.
Author: Dykraf
Static Sites Generator is a great choice for developers that want to have a static website that has minimal maintenance and small and fast load file sizes.
Author: Dykraf
Use Vuex state management in Nuxt.js Static Content Website and write your static website with markdown files.
Author: Dykraf
A utility in Nuxt.js out of the box that really useful for older browser prefixes from PostCSS with autoprefixer.
Author: Dykraf
A list of search engines optimizing your Nuxt.js website for better search results and indexing. On-site SEO with Nuxt.js modules and relevant JSON schemas.
Author: Dykraf
There are some Nuxt Community modules to use for creating a Nuxt.js Website with AMP, Feed, Sitemap, on-page SEO support and of course some TailwindCSS framework.
Author: Dykraf
With static HTML and the ultimate SEO support such as Sitemap, Feed, static websites are still a choice for those who like simplicity and minimum maintenance.
Author: Dykraf
Nuxt.js is a very powerful VueJS framework with great support from the community. With modules made by the community for the community, building web applications become more time-efficient and faster.